10 baby book ideas
Every day with your baby is a new adventure filled with new memories to treasure. And like every new parent, you probably wish there was a way to slow down time and soak in each and every special moment. While a time machine hasn’t been invented (yet), a customized baby keepsake book does allow you to capture each and every memory in a place where you can hold onto them forever.
From their first bath to their first time at the beach, there is so much that you don’t want to forget. We’ve rounded up our ten favorite baby book ideas. Each memory book offers a unique way to document important milestones in your little one’s life that you will be able to share with them for years to come.
1. Letters to your baby
Some parents-to-be choose to write letters to their baby during their pregnancy. This is a special way to share the emotion of being a parent and record the experience of your baby’s first years from your point of view. They may not be able to read them for a number of years, but they will be incredibly meaningful when the time comes.

2. Major milestones
There are going to be dozens of milestones in your baby’s life in the first year alone, and you are going to want to keep track of them all. Creating a baby memory book dedicated to documenting each new first will help you remember their first smile, the first time they sat up, their first doctor’s appointment, their first steps, and everything in between. You can include everything from photos and reports from doctor’s checkups to lists of the foods they’ve tried, and the names of their favorite toys.
3. My, how they’ve grown
There is no better way to see how much your baby changes during their first year than by documenting it in a baby memory book. Schedule a day each month to take a photo of your baby and see just how much they are progressing. Placing a fun prop or toy next to them is a creative way to highlight just how fast they’re growing! Fill in your baby book with other pictures from special occasions, family vacations, and trips out and about.
4. Birth story
There is no more special day in your life than the day that your baby is born. Document the entire story, from your preparations and first contraction to your time in the hospital, and the trip home, in a personalized baby book. Include details like the time of birth, weight, who was there, and how long the labor lasted. You could also include their birth certificate and other mementos.
5. Family tree
Teach your baby about their family near and far, by creating a family tree book. Start by drawing a tree on the first page and listing their relatives on each side. Then fill the pages with photographs of family members past and present. Include pictures of your baby with aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins so that they can see themselves with their family. Does your baby look like you at a young age? Include side-by-side photos!

6. Memento book
Create a baby book filled with mementos from your baby’s first year. Begin the story with their first ultrasound, and then fill the pages with items that represent your first year together, such as poems, song lyrics, nursery rhymes, the invitation to their baby shower, their birth announcement, a lock of their hair, their birth certificate, and more.
7. Baby photo album
Nothing tells a story better than pictures in a photo book. And chances are that you will be taking a lot of pictures of your new baby. While many photos are stored and viewed digitally today, why not keep it old school with a beautiful custom notebook filled with printed baby pictures. Make sure to include everything, from sweet and silly to their first tantrum. Once your baby gets older, you will love sitting down and sharing each moment with them again.
8. Alphabet book
What better way to teach your child the ABCs than by creating a baby storybook filled with pictures of their favorite toys, foods, animals, and family. For “A” how about a photo of them with their aunt? “B” could be a photo from their first birthday, “C” a picture of them in their crib, and so on.

9. Vacation book
You will never forget your first family vacation with your new baby. Wherever you go, turn photos from their first adventure into a baby keepsake book filled with memories that you can revisit at any time. You could create a timeline of family vacations by making a new travel book each year.

10. Wish book
Like any new parent, you are sure to have hopes and dreams for your child’s future. And so will your friends and family. Ask the people around you to write out their wishes for your baby, the things they’re excited to share with them as they grow up, and their promise to support them (and you!) now and in the future.
Blurb is a book-printing company that can help you get ready for your new arrival! Make a beautiful baby keepsake photo book quickly and easily with our free desktop tool, BookWright.
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